Frank Dominguez
Host, ConciertoSince 1994 Frank Dominguez has been a familiar voice to classical music listeners on WDAV. Over the years he has played a crucial part in station programming decisions through his various roles and currently leads the station as General Manager and Content Director. His tenure at the station has seen its transition to a fully professional on air staff, several overhauls of its program schedule, and unprecedented growth in the station’s local programming, from the production of original local series such as Carolina Live and Reel Music to the addition of the overnight Early Shift seven days a week. He has also directed or hosted a number of live concert broadcasts by the Charlotte Symphony, Opera Carolina, Charlotte Chamber Music, the Spoleto Festival USA and the Brevard Music Center.
Frank has served as a consultant to classical radio stations across the country through the Public Radio Program Directors association. Some of the stations which have benefited from his expertise include WITF in Harrisburg, PA, WUSF in Tampa, KSUI in Iowa City and KVNO in Omaha.
Prior to coming to WDAV, Frank began his radio career at 90.7 WFAE, where for eight years he hosted the popular Sunday evening music program, Nightscapes. In addition he has worked extensively in local theater as an actor and director, including productions for Actor’s Theatre of Charlotte, CAST, Theatre Charlotte and Opera Carolina. He holds a BFA in Theater from Adelphi University as well as MA and MFA degrees from the University of New Orleans.